Tap Reels

Privacy Policy

Update time: December 14, 2023
We respect and protect the privacy and security of our users (hereinafter referred to as "you"). When you use our services, we will strictly collect, use, store, share, and manage your personal information in accordance with relevant regional laws and regulations and this privacy policy (hereinafter referred to as "privacy policy").
This policy is closely related to your use of our services. In order to protect your rights and interests, please read all the contents of this privacy policy (especially those marked in bold) carefully before using the relevant services on this webpage.
1. How do we collect your personal information
2.How do we use cookies or similar technologies
3. How do we use your personal information
4. Third-party services
5. How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information?
6.How do we protect information security
7. How do we preserve, retain and store information
8. How to Manage Information
9. Privacy Protection for Minors
10. Revision of Privacy Policy
11. Contact Us
I. How do we collect your personal information
During your use of our services, we will only collect your personal information when it is necessary and within limited limits, and this information will only be used to provide you with services, optimize our services, and protect your account security. Specifically, we will collect and use the following types of information for the following purposes:
1.Help you complete registration and login
1.1Based on the necessary functions for the basic functions, when you register or log in to our webpage, you are required to provide basic registration or login information, including your email address and registration password, in order to create your account and login password.
1.2You can also log in to this webpage through a third-party account (such as Google, Apple, etc.) with authorization. At this time, we will be authorized to obtain your public information (such as nickname, gender, approximate location, etc.) registered on the third-party platform, and will bind your third-party account with your account on the platform after you agree to this privacy policy, allowing you to log in directly through your third-party account and use our services.
1.3 If you only need to browse some basic functions of our website, you do not need to register or log in and provide the above information.
2.Provide you with security
When you use our services, we may collect information about the devices and network environments you use, such as operating systems (such as iOS, Windows, Android, etc.), browsers (such as Chrome, Edge, etc.), IP, screen resolution, system language, etc., in order to provide you with continuous and stable network operation support. This also helps us to continuously improve ourselves or our services, so that you can have the best experience when using our services.
3.Providing you with goods or services
We may add new spending features for you. You can purchase our services through online recharge and other methods. Please note that relevant payment services are provided by corresponding payment service providers (such as Stripe, PayPal, etc.). We will only obtain the result verification information of your completed payment from the payment service provider, and then provide you with the corresponding payment products and services. If you wish to know the specific rules for personal information collection by payment service providers (such as Stripe, PayPal, etc.), please refer to the corresponding privacy policies of the payment platform you choose.
4.Share and interact
When you use specific services within the webpage, we may obtain some of your information to achieve related functions:
4.1For example, when you want to implement the "sharing function", we will write specific text (links, etc.) to your clipboard to implement challenges, sharing, and other functions or services. However, please rest assured that we will not collect or store other information from your clipboard, nor will we collect information from your other third-party applications. The individual clipboard information cannot identify your personal identity.
5.Feedback and handling
To ensure a good user experience for you, when you contact us or raise your relevant requirements, in order to protect your account and system security, we need you to provide necessary personal information to verify your identity. Please rest assured that we will not collect or store your personal information.
Please understand that as our business develops, there may be adjustments and changes to our website and related services. In principle, when new features or services may result in our collecting and using your new personal information, we will notify you again and seek your consent.
II. How do we use cookies or similar technologies
We may use cookies, local storage technology, or other similar technologies to track your progress in real time and understand your relevant information, so as to provide you with a smooth and quality user experience. We will not use the above technologies for any purpose other than the purposes described in this policy. Please understand that some services can only be achieved by using the above technologies. If your device or related program allows, you can turn off or delete the above technologies by changing the settings or by visiting the provider's webpage, but this action may affect your use of our related services.
III. How do we use your personal information
After collecting your personal information, we will use your personal information according to the following rules:
We will use the personal information collected in accordance with this privacy policy and for the purpose of realizing our service functions.
When we use your personal information for other purposes not specified in this policy, or use information collected for specific purposes for other purposes, we will actively seek your express consent in advance.
IV. third-party services
We may work with third-party service providers to integrate third-party services (as shown below) into our services. We will not share your personal information provided to us or collected by us with third-party service providers, nor will we collect your personal information on their behalf.
Please note that third-party service providers accessed through our services may have their own privacy policies, which are not subject to this Privacy Policy. Third-party service providers may collect personal information required to provide services to you based on their own privacy policies. We will make commercially reasonable efforts to monitor third-party service providers' compliance with relevant laws and regulations when processing your personal information, and will try our best to require them to take relevant confidentiality and security measures.
Third-party SDK Purpose Privacy link
Google Analytics
Analyze website traffic and user behavior in order to optimize website operations and marketing strategies. https://policies.google.com/privacy
Analyze website traffic and user behavior in order to optimize website operations and marketing strategies. https://firebase.google.com/support/privacy/
阿里云内容检测 Detect whether the user input contains sensitive information. https://terms.aliyun.com/legal-agreement/terms/suit_bu1_ali_cloud/suit_bu1_ali_cloud202107091605_49213.html
Third-party platform payment https://stripe.com/privacy
Third-party platform payment https://www.paypal.com/us/legalhub/privacy-full
V. How do we share, transfer, and publicly disclose your personal information?
We promise that we will not actively share, sell, or disclose your personal information provided to us or collected by us to third-party service providers without your explicit consent or authorization, nor will we collect your personal information on behalf of third-party service providers. We will strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations and keep your personal information confidential.
VI. How do we protect information security
We attach great importance to personal information security and will take all reasonable and feasible measures to continuously protect your personal information, including establishing reasonable institutional norms and security technologies to prevent unauthorized access, use, and tampering of your information, and to avoid data loss or theft.
Please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, in the Internet industry, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always ensure 100% security of information. You need to understand that the systems and communication networks you use to access our services may have problems due to factors outside our control.
VII. How do we preserve, retain and store information
We only retain your information for the period necessary for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy and within the time limits required by laws and regulations. To ensure that your personal information is protected in accordance with the law, the information we collect from you will be stored in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations on privacy data protection. To the extent not prohibited by local laws and regulations, we may also store the personal information collected in countries or regions outside the country or region where our business is located.
If we terminate our services or operations, we and our partner third-party platforms will promptly cease to collect your personal information and will comply with relevant laws and regulations to delete or anonymize your personal information after the termination of services or operations, unless otherwise stipulated by laws, regulations, or regulatory authorities.
VIII. How to Manage Information
1.Access, update and deletion
1.1We encourage you to update and modify your information to make it more accurate and effective. If you want to view or update the personal information you submitted to us to ensure that the information is complete and accurate, you can contact us through the contact information provided by us.
1.2 You can also contact us to delete some of your information, but please note that when you access, update, and delete the above information, we may require you to perform identity verification to ensure information security.
2.Log out of the account
We provide you with a way to cancel your account. If you want to cancel the login account you created through our webpage, you can use the "Cancel Account" function button on the webpage to complete the cancellation process. Alternatively, you can contact us through the contact information provided. If you make an application, we will delete or anonymize your personal information based on your wishes and legal requirements after verifying your relevant information.
IX. Privacy Protection for Minors
We recommend that any minor participating in online activities should obtain the consent of their parents or legal guardians (hereinafter referred to as "guardians") in advance. We will protect the relevant information of minors in accordance with relevant national laws and regulations. If you are a minor, please inform your parents or guardians to carefully read this Privacy Policy, and use our services or provide us with information with the consent of your parents or guardians. If you are the parent or other guardian of a minor, please pay attention to whether your child uses our services after obtaining your authorization and consent. If you have any questions about your child's personal information, please contact us through the contact information provided by us.
X. Revision of Privacy Policy
Due to changes in service content, contact information, legal and regulatory policy requirements, etc., we may make modifications to the terms of this privacy policy from time to time. Such modifications form part of this policy. When the privacy policy changes, we will post the updated version on our webpage. Please check the latest version of the privacy policy in a timely manner.
XI. Contact Us
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us through the following methods, and we will respond to your request within 15 days after verifying the relevant information.
Contact email: contact@tapreels.com